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application Empty
PostSubject: application   application EmptyWed Jun 26, 2013 7:44 pm

:: Name: Angel

:: Age:30

:: Location: Northern Ireland

:: In-Game Name: Angelarius

:: Level:30

:: Matches played (optional): ~ 500

:: What sort of clan/community are you looking for: Serious learning and competitive community with at least a minor social aspect.

:: Why do you think you're suitable for the clan: I take everything seriously and learn fast.

:: When are you generally active: all the time, I'm disabled

:: What do you think is the most important thing of a game (ex: fun): Becoming a better player, that's what I find fun.

:: How did you hear about us: Googled "UK based LoL guild/clan"

:: Describe yourself: Just kicked the WoW habit about 6 weeks ago and started looking for a new game, this seemed interesting so i gave it a go and here I am, I been stuck in elo hell with so many random trolls and unskilled players and so i decided to look for a group I can consistently play with in a specific role, I have been spreading my learning thinly because of the lack of consistency in solo queue. I really want to get into a place where I can really master a role before I think about the intricacies of others. I'm happy to play any role really but Ill make a list with what I enjoy most at the top.

Jungle - Fiddlesticks pref or Nocturn.
Adc -  Caitlyn pref or Ashe
Middle - Veigar (really fun but I'm going to get fizz if I'm going to be competitive.)
Top - Jax (not a great deal of experience, Basic comprehension)
Support - Soraka (also not a great deal of experience, Basic comprehension)

I really think I have what I takes to master at least 1 of this games roles, I take my gaming fairly seriously. Not really a rager... well not on vent or in game chat anyway :PI was a high ranked end game raider in world of Warcraft for a long time and my dedication to the game say me total the achievements of ~1.8 million gold including buying spectral tiger with gold. 14 level 85-89 and 4 lv 90's 214 mounts, 400+ pets, several realm first boos kills, a few top 100 world kills. I know all these WoW achieves mean nothing in LoL I'm just trying to illustrate the attention I put into a game when I really desire to be good. I know a lot of players have inflated opinions of their skill, I don't, as far as current skill go's I'm a low man on the totem pole but I do believe with time and practice I can make plat or even diamond, in saying that I think I play respectably for someone who has only played for 6 weeks. Given the opportunity and as I dont work due to disability I can and am willing to put a great deal of time into lol if good players are willing to take me under their wing.

Despite being called Angel, I am a man ;)been called Angel scince back in my counter strike 1.5 days.
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Posts : 164
Join date : 2012-03-05
Age : 40
Location : manchester

application Empty
PostSubject: Re: application   application EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 5:15 am

Hi. Thanks for the application but sorry to say the clan has not been in contact for quite awhile now. I know the forum shows up on google and I've not asked for the forum to be shut down yet. Sorry for the inconvenience you have been through and no reply yet. Hope you find a clan for your gaming needs.
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