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 Domain name

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Posts : 164
Join date : 2012-03-05
Age : 40
Location : manchester

Domain name Empty
PostSubject: Domain name   Domain name EmptySat Mar 16, 2013 8:05 am

Hi guys. I am not renewing the domain name because we do not seem to do a lot any more with LoL. The forum can stay but please use the sub-domain, (you might of found it)

I might do a poll to clean up the forum, make it less and just more for information. Such as just knowing where to chat to us on teamspeak, steam or in-game. It seems none of us have much time or have decided to step away from playing LoL and just prefer to play other games.

If anyone has any ideas to make it fresh again or keep it to the usual players and chat among ourselves. Let me know in this topic for now.
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